Launched by the Media Development Investment Fund, the Pluralis Media Anleiheb bond will back media companies providing independent reporting in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
Launched by Oxfam Novib and Goodwell Investments, the Pepea fund will invest in the sustainable agriculture, energy, clean mobility and logistics, and waste management sectors with a focus on female entrepreneurs.
The Article 9 fund aims to deliver a total return with a reduced environmental footprint compared to the benchmark, measured using carbon, water and waste footprint metrics.
A survey by Apha Real Capital shows increased interest from local authority pension funds in social infrastructure investments, ranging from education, health and social housing.
Can investors achieve impact when investing in stocks? The GIIN’s just-published guidance, the result of a collaboration involving more than 100 investors, aims to assist those seeking to generate impact in public equities.
Most of the total capital raised by net zero-aligned-funds was directed towards meeting UN sustainable development goals relating to clean energy (SDG 7), and climate action (SDG 13).
The company’s mission is to transition the chemical feedstock market for industrial and commercial products from a petrochemical to a bio-based production model using microbial cell factories.
The Urban Resilience Fund is a multi-vehicle blended finance initiative, backed by DFIs and other investors, to support climate-focused projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
FaithInvest says implementing tailored strategies is too demanding for under-resourced, small faith groups. Outsourcing and joining forces with peers are seen as potential solutions.
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